👉 Pour participer au prochain Voyage Egypte 🇪🇬 Sources bibliographiques : ➤ A. Mariette. Le Sérapéum de Memphis. 1857. ➤ G. Maspero. Le Sérapéum de Memphis, par Auguste Mariette-Pacha, 1882. ➤ Le Sérapéum de Saqqarah et ses sarcophages de granit ➤ S. Davies. The Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara: The Mother of Apis and Baboon Catacombs. 2006. ➤ H. S. Smith, C. A. R. Andrews, and S. Davies. The Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara: The Mother of Apis Inscriptions. EES Texts from Excavations Memoir 14 (2 vols): Part I, Part II, 2011. ➤ S. Davies. Uncharted Saqqara: A Postscript // The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Vol. 84 (1998), pp. 45-56 ➤ Aidan M. Dodson. Bull Cults. In book: Divine Creatures. Animal Mummies in Ancient Egypt () ➤ Salima Ikram. THE LOVED ONES: EGYPTIAN ANIMAL MUMMIES AS CULTURAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL INDICATORS. In H. Buitenhuis, A. M. Choyke, L. Martin, L. Bartosiewicz, and M. Mashkour (eds.) Archaeozoology of the Near East. 2005. Groningen: ARC, 240-248. ➤ Vandier Jacques. La Découverte du Sérapéum et les funérailles de l’Apis d’après certaines stèles du Sérapéum. In: Journal des savants, 1964, n° pp. 128-135; ➤ Didier Devauchelle. La XXVIe dynastie au Sérapéum de Memphis, Cybèle, Paris 2011 ➤ Didier Devauchelle. Les stéles du Sérapéum de Memphis conservées au museé du Louvre // Vol. 17, ACTA DEMOTICA: Acts of Fifth International Conference for Demotists: Pisa, 4th-8th September 1993 (1994), pp. 95-114 ➤ Geoffrey T. Martin. Excavations in the Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqara, 1971-2: ➤ Preliminary Report // The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 59 (Aug., 1973), pp. 5-15 ➤ Paul T. Nicholson. Preliminary Report on Work at the Sacred Animal Necropolis, North Saqqara, 1992 // The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology, Vol. 80 (1994), pp. 1-10 ➤ Didier Devauchelle. Notes et documents pour servir à l’histoire du Sérapéum de Memphis (VI - X)“, RdE 51, Paris, 2000, p. 21-32. ➤ Béquignon Yves. Ptolemée Ier et l’art hellénistique au Sarapiéion de Memphis . In: Journal des savants, Avril-juin 1957. pp. 69-83; ➤ J. D. Ray. The World of North Saqqara, World Archaeology, Vol. 10, No. 2, Archaeology and Religion (Oct., 1978), pp. 149-157 ➤ Ida Kingo. The Apis cult from the New Kingdom to the Ptolemaic Period // BA thesis 15 credits in Egyptology. Spring term 2020 ➤ W. B. Emery. Preliminary Report on the Excavations at North Saqqâra, 1968 // The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Vol. 55 (Aug., 1969), pp. 31-35 ➤ H. S. Smith and D. G. Jeffreys. The Sacred Animal Necropolis, North Saqqâra: 1975/6 // The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Vol. 63 (1977), pp. 20-28 ➤ W. B. Emery. Preliminary Report on the Excavations at North Saqqâra, 1969-70 // The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Vol. 57 (Aug., 1971), pp. 3-13 ➤ Geoffrey T. Martin. Excavations in the Sacred Animal Necropolis at North Saqqâra, 1972-3: Preliminary Report // The Journal of Egyptian Archaeology Vol. 60, 1974 (pp. 15-29) ➤ Christopher J. Davey, The Excavation Technology used in the Cow Catacombs of the Sacred Animal Necropolis, North Saqqara, Egypt // Buried History 2001-2 - Volumes 37 & 38 pp 15-24 ➤ B. Gunn, The Inscribed Sarcophagi in the Serapeum, Annales du Service des Antiquites d’Egypte 26 (1926): 82-94 ➤ B. Gunn, Two Misunderstood Serapeum Inscriptions, Annales du Service des Antiquités de l’Égypte (1926b): 92-94 ➤ Lortet Louis Charles Emile, Gaillard Claude. La faune momifiée de l’Ancienne Egypte. In: Archives du Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Lyon, tome 8, 1903. pp. 1-205 ➤ Translation of the stele of Ptolemy VIII Evergetus II text: Revue égyptologique — , The Apis mummy head in Louvre: :/53355/cl010015210 ➤ Pour me soutenir avec un petit coup de pouce sur Tipeee : ➤ Facebook : ➤ Instagram :
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