When Athletes Break The Limit

1 in a trillion moments, sport, comedy moments in sport funny football moments, 200 IQ 0 IQ, high IQ, beautiful moments, giga chad Music: Epic 912 Music: Tobu - Joy Hello and welcome to today’s dose of internet I don’t know what this guy carries on his head but it is pretty strange Don’t mess with this guard even if you manifest for the animal rights like this girl, he won’t let you a single chance He saves his distracted dad from having a terrible day Mario Balotelli scores a fantastic rebona goal Those players decide to wear Vr headsets to see themselves from above. It is undoubtedly harder to play that way. This group successfully got 5 baskets in a row. They didn’t really plan this and they were surprised. Ouch! at least he’s safe. He got the world record for the highest jump on a trampoline She is able to hold into the horse with one leg even when he is ru
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