The challenges of the blind Maryam’s life: Achieving her wishes and dreams

A nomadic family, which includes a blind woman, is looking to build and complete their kitchen. For them, this kitchen is a place where they can prepare homemade food and meet their daily needs. But considering life’s challenges, this effort can face problems. Maryam’s blindness is her biggest challenge. As a blind person, he needs help from others to perform daily tasks and complete the kitchen. But by using his remaining abilities and with the help of others, he can gradually experience more independence. Also, the nomadic family faces problems such as lack of financial resources, limited access to facilities, and cultural and social restrictions. But with effort and perseverance, they try to gradually overcome the problems and complete their kitchen. In this way, the family can achieve their goals with solidarity and mutual help. Maryam can complete her kitchen and manage her daily life by using her abilities and with the help of her nomadic daughter and other family members. The story of the nomadic family and the blind woman shows that with effort, perseverance and solidarity, you can achieve success and face life’s challenges. As a united family, they do their best to complete the kitchen and improve their living conditions. #nomadiclife #nomad #blind #tradition #nomadic #nomads #peren #mountainwoman #woman #Hardship #Building #Roofing #Concrete
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