Summary of the week of Aug 8-14 according to Rybar

They say: The DPR People’s Militia has established almost full control over the locality of Pisky. It was one of the strongest Ukrainian strongpoints on the outskirts of Donetsk since 2014. On the approaches to Siversk, the Russian Armed Forces are advancing towards Verkhn’okam’yans’ke and have reached the eastern outskirts of the locality. A powerful AFU strongpoint is on their way and its capture will open the way to an advance on the village. In Soledar, the LPR People’s Militia 6th Cossack Regiment soldiers have taken control of the KNAUF-Gips factory territory and gained a foothold in the eastern part of the city. Allied Forces are attempting to advance deep into the town. Wagner’s PMC units have dislodged Ukrainian units from the village of Vershyny south of Bakhmut (Artemivsk) and reached Zaitseve, where a major AFU strongpoint is located. For several days, Ukrainian artillery has been shelling Europe’s largest Zaporizhzhia NPP, including a spent nuclear fuel storage facility.
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