How to surrender radio message from Russia to Ukrainian soldiers in the Kharkov region

This will work!, in part because the Ukro-Nazis know they are out gunned and poorly equipped!. In part because Zelensky the DOG, is a piss poor leader! AND hated by many of those forced to the front lines against their will. In part because these men are not being paid on time, at times not at all!. In part because, the Ukro-Nazi will to fight on, is literally on it’s last legs!. Finally, mainly because these MEN are now fully aware, that should they be wounded, THEY ARE LEFT TO DIE ALONE!. PLUS, MANY of the Ukro-Nazis are being MURDERED BY THEIR OWN OFFICERS!!. IN THE END, it will be ONLY the hardcore NAZI BRIGADES who will continue the fight. WHO will continue to MURDER LITTLE CHILDREN!, TO RAPE INNOCENT WOMEN!, TO DESTROY CIVILIAN HOMES! . TO BRUTALISED THE ELDERLY AND THE DISABLED!. BECAUSE THESE ANIMALS KNOW THAT WHATEVER WAR CRIMES THEY COMMIT, THE US, UK, EU AND NATO WILL CONTINUE TO SHAMEFULLY SUPPORT THEIR ANIMALISTIC BEHAVIOUR!.
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