Ex Pastor Reveals Information That Will Blow Your Mind! Asherah - Pleiadians in the Bible?

Could the bible be a story of humanities contact with an alien species? Author Paul Wallis takes us on a journey into our ancient past in this new 2023 documentary. Asherah was honoured as an advanced being and is one of the many Elohim or “powerful beings“ who’s existence is recorded in the pages of the bible. El of Ekron, Akhkech of Egypt, Dagon of the Philistines and Yahweh El Shaddai of the tribes of Israel are all included in what the ancient biblical writers called the Seba Hassamayim. But what was Seba Hassamayim?... Pleiadians in the Bible? Asherah and the Sky Armies | Documentary 2023 - Paul Wallis Crew Paul Wallis writer Alex Ling producer Anthony Barrett producer
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