Could These 14 Objects Really Be Antimatter Stars? Study Suggests So

I wrote a foreword for this awesome Sci-Fi book here: Get a Wonderful Person shirt: Alternatively, PayPal donations can be sent here: Hello and welcome! My name is Anton and in this video, we will talk about an interesting discovery suggesting there might be antimatter stars in our it does require a lot of follow ups to confirm Paper: Other paper: Images amd videos: Pixabay SIMON DUPOURQUÉ/IRAP SpinningSpark,CC BY-SA 3.0 Arpad Horvath, CC BY-SA 2.5 Illustris Project MissMJ, Cush NASA Fermilab, Reidar Hahn L. Boyle/Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics Zdnrp, CC0 Support this channel on Patreon to help me make this a full time job: Bitcoins to spare? Donate them here to help this channel grow! 32ygEA36irM9Dsqx2rXZmHQ9rj7ZoWDYWZ Space Engine is available for
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