CONFUSING TIME EXPRESSIONS IN ENGLISH | on/in time? | at/in the beginning? | recently/lately? ...

on/in time? | at/in the beginning? | kill/waste time? | recently/ lately? | finally/eventually? | before / ago? | until/by? Hi Everyone, Today let’s look at some of the most confusing time expressions in English. I know it can be hard to understand the subtle differences between these phrases, but let’s take a look at these together step-by-step. Is there a specific pair you need to focus on?: ON/IN time 00:43 AT/IN the beginning 03:29 KILL/WASTE time 06:02 RECENTLY/LATELY 07:21 FINALLY/EVENTUALLY 09:12 BEFORE/AGO 14:00 UNTIL/BY 16:01 TEST 18:44 Are you confused about any of these other topics? Take a look: BESIDE or BESIDES? GERUNDS or INFINITIVE? TO ME? or FOR ME? ________________________________________________________________________________ 🔥COMMON QUESTIONS: Arnel, how do you edit your videos? What software do you use?
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