Total Eclipse (Fall of Hyperion) | Full Action Adventure Movie

**This film is under license from Vision Films Inc. All rights reserved** Total Eclipse (Fall of Hyperion) - A NASA scientist discovers that their manned space station has been struck by a meteor. The station is now hurtling towards Los Angeles, carrying with it a secret nuclear reactor, putting million of lives at risk. 2008 Stars: Johnny Hotel Albergo, Jon Briddell, Traber Burns ★ Awesome Movies Welcome to the Movie Central. Subscribe and watch more Awesome Movies. ** All the content on this channel is under license from various copyright holders. We ask you to please contact us if you believe there are any copyright issues via - you_tube@ ** ★ Buy some items from our merch store - #FullFreeMovies #FullDisasterMovies #FreeYouTubeMovies
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