Hey guys, Unfortunately the sad ending has come to my beloved Pilot RC 80cc Yak 54. It was only a matter of time but this is not how I wanted it to happen, I always pictured me dumb thumbing it and clipping a wing knife edge, or a flat spin straight into the a receiver failure!! As you can see the airplane was flying wonderfully before it went into failsafe and never came back out, after doing some digging at home as well the only thing I could find leading to a failure was the receiver, as the plane was set up with redundant batteries both at 96% charged when checked as this was my first flight of the day! As many of us have learned the hard way this is an unfortunate part of the hobby that you can not avoid! you just have to pick up the pieces, laugh it off and keep flying! I hope you enjoy this epic carnage of my Yak as her unfortunate end may as well bring some smiles and a laugh to everyone else, on my dime this time ;) Cheers and happy flying, Backyard Rc #rc #rcfail #fail #crash #r
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