👉Bye Bye Middle Class America !!!
If you are making less than $3,000 a month, you have plenty of company, because about half of the country is in the exact same boat. The Social Security Administration just released new wage statistics for 2019, and they are pretty startling. To me, the most alarming thing in the entire report is the fact that the median yearly wage was just $34, last year. In other words, half of all American workers made less than $34, in 2019, and half of all American workers made more than $34,. That isn’t a whole lot of money. In fact, when you divide $34, by 12 you get just $2,. Needless to say, it is not easy to survive in America today on just $2, a month, and this may help to explain why we have been seeing so many people fall out of the middle class in recent years.
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