WordPress Menu Link to Section of Page (Gutenberg & Classic Editor)

I’ll show you how to create a menu link to a section of a page. WITHOUT a plugin! It doesn’t matter if it’s the same page or a certain part on another page, it will work in both cases as we are going to create a jump link! You can even link to an anchor on another page. Usually, this is used to make a one-page navigation menu, so that users just scroll to the right section. I’m going to show you how to do it in Gutenberg and WordPress’s classical editor (we will add it to the HTML). How to create an anchor link from the menu to a section of a page? For this, we will need to create a so-called anchor link and anchor tag. And basically, we need to add an anchor tag to the page, so that the code will know where to scroll to. And the anchor link will be the trigger. 00:00 Intro 01:06 Gutenberg editor Let me show you how to easily add an anchor tag in the Gutenberg editor. This is probably the easiest way to link from the menu to a section of a page. Gutenberg comes with an advanced tab, where you can give an ID for any element. 02:34 Classic editor For the classical editor, we will need to add an ID manually in the HTML code. It’s not hard, as WordPress Posts & Pages come with a built-in HTML editor. It’s the text tab in the top right corner of your WYSIWYG editor. 03:55 Set up a custom link in the menu After creating an ID for the anchor tag, we will need to add a link to the menu that will scroll the user to the right section. But don’t worry this is easy, you just need to add a custom link to your WordPress menu, and then add #your-page-name at the end of the URL. The hashtag is important! Hosting I’m using: (60% discount) Where I get my domains: WP plugins I’m using: Some of the above links might be affiliate links.
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