Hava Nagila - Gad Elbaz הבה נגילה - גד אלבז

Join my Facebook page - Management and production GAD ELBAZ Shlomi Cohen ZOAB Entertainment --- s@ --- 972-52-4339353 13234438541 - USA 33177471253 - France PR: HOSHEN Production info@ #GadElbaz #HavaNagila #Lechaim Directed and produced by Daniel Finkelman במאי ומפיק דניאל פינקלמן Co directed by Aharon Orian במאי שני אהרן אוריאן Producer and Choreographer Zvika Bornstein כוריאוגרף ומפיק צביקה ברנשטיין Choreographer Daniel Wdowik כוריאוגרפיה דניאל וודויק ----- הבה נגילה Hava Nagila ----- When you feelin low There’s a place to go Come and dance with me When you feel the beat Stampin in your feet Dance away, break free Take two steps to the left Two steps to the right And turn around in circles, in circles tonite Take two steps to the left Two steps to the right And turn around in circles, in circles tonite The beat’s groovin The circles movin I’m feelin young and free The floor’s burning The circle
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