AURORA - Quote 111: „I Went To Far“: „ … is not about me giving myself up for a man … “ (2016-10-10)
Quotes from one of the most inspiring, spiritually evolved and playful beings of our time.
Aurora Aksnes - Zitat 111:
„Ok. Ehm… Och, I’ve been… Yes, the band knows what I’m going to say now, because they know what the next song is. It stands on a small piece of paper on the floor and I always try to explain …??... what the song is about and it takes half an hour and nobody really understands, what I was trying to say and I was thinking about a better way to say it, but I forgot it. But it was something like… I just… I remember someone… I think it was a comment or something someone said about this song was „why would she do that for a man?“ I think that was it. And I thought, this song is not about a man, is not about me giving myself up for a man. This song is about, both men and women who just - you know - I remember at school, when I was a bit smaller or a bit younger at least and I was trying to get into this group of girls. They were a bit different than me or I was different than them, I guess and I never quite fitted in and I was never happy, when I was with them anyway. So why did I constantly try to get into that group of people and I think that kind of follows you through live and work and in your neigbourhood and at the bus like, why didn’t that person sit with me, when there was a free seat there. Like things just follow you, that kind of insecurity where you want to… where you want people to… not like you, but you want love from people, who wouldn’t even love you in a good way and it’s not good is it. Yes, stranger, thank you. Do you know what I’m saying, do you understand? Ok, good. But that’s what the song is about, it’s not about me. I wrote it, when I was nine, the most of it, and that was me to those girls like why I was loosing myself, my dignity trying to get these people to like me and that... that’s it. But just… it’s not about me …. I think it’s the first time I actually managed to… but that was… that’s what is… burbs ……??.....“
Song: „I Went To Far“
Original source:
Concert at Concorde2, Brighton, UK (2016-10-10)
„Aurora - I Went To Far (HD) - Concorde 2, Brighton - “ by Planet Music Reviews HD: Global (released 2016-10-11)
Auroras official channel:
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