Rafting In Beskonak - Antalya, @Haliscelife

Rafting In Beskonak Today we enjoy the thrill of the rapids on this white water rafting adventure in Koprulu Canyon in Antalya. We drive with our guide to the Koprulu Canyon National Park in Beşkonak. We climb into our wetsuit, we put on our life jackets and we go into the rough water. We paddle hard through the plains, holding onto the drops as we navigate the rough 8 km long waterway. Let’s stop on the way to capture the beautiful landscape with the camera.. Haliscelife! In this channel, I will share with you my own life, joys, travels, world culture, etc.! I will try to show you what I saw during my travels, what I experienced, the food and culture of the local people. I will chat with people I have met and try to introduce them to you. I request you to subscribe to my channel and open the notification bell. Thank you so much Here you can watch: Turkey:
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