Anatoli Unitsky spoke about the results of the year / Анатолий Юницкий рассказал о достижениях года.
Time codes:
00:12 Dear Friends!... On these holidays, we are all united by faith in a bright and happy future. These are new hopes, new successes and, of course, new victories.
00:35 What happened in the world in the past year was marked for me by a complete rethinking of everything that I knew and believed in until now.
00:43 I stay true to my ideals and goals. Constantly feeling an additional incentive to work in the name of the speedy achievement and implementation of all the tasks I had set in advance.
01:00 The main task is the harmonious arrangement of the planet and the life of all people in unity with nature. String transport is the most important component - the point of growth of the most important biospheric technologies. This is the source of ever-increasing perseverance and inspiration.
02:15 RESULTS OF 2022.
02:23 In 2022, the company I manage took an active part in many international exhibitions and conferences. This testifies to the inte
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