U Thant In Hungary (1963)

Budapest, Hungary. MCU. United Nations flag flying from pole. Various shots of KLM Turbo prop aircraft taxiing in at Ferihegy airport, Budapest. BCU. Propellor rotating. Various shots of the General Secretary of United Nations Organisation (UNO), U Thant stepping from aircraft and is greeted by Hungarian government ministers. He then gets presented with flowers from some children. MS. & LS. U Thant walks across tarmac holding flowers and talking with the ministers. Various shots of U Thant outside front of main airport building being introduced to Hungarian personalities and members of diplomatic bodies. GV. Airport building with large word Budapest on top. MCU. Newsreel cameraman operating camera. Various shots of the Vice-President of the Council of Ministers, Gyula Kallay making welcome speech and U Thant replies. Various shots of the party leaving the airport by car. Travelling shot from front of car through streets of Budapest. LV. U Thant’s car with motorcycle escort moves along street. High angle p
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