Oil From A Killer! AKA Killer Sharks (1940-1949)

Unissued / unused footage - dates and locations may be unclear / unknown. Titles read: ’African Mirror No. 245 - OIL FROM A KILLER!’ South Africa. Shots of boats at sea off the South African coast. Commentator talks of “one of the Union’s newest industries... shark catching“. He explains the main reason for catching the sharks is to get at their livers, which contain a high percentage of vitamins. Several shots of men on a boat catching grey sharks on lines, pulling them up and hitting them on the head several times with a cosh. Commentator talks of export of vitamin oils and production increasing. Sharks being brought aboard - most with their mouths open. A ray is caught, but is thrown back because its vitamin content is low. Men on the boat cut open the sharks to pull out their liver. Boat comes back to harbour. Exterior of factory at Cape Town where the livers are treated with truck backing up to it. Interior shot of man weighing shark livers (yeuch). More shots of factory equipme
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