Student Farm Workers (1953)

Unissued / Unused material. German student farm workers. Fenlands. Various shots student pickers arriving at farm on a truck in the early morning. MS group of students talking. Various shots as they walk into fields. Various shots as students pick apples. Various shots Helga Steger of Marburg near Frankfurt (ribbon in hair). Various shots Ann Bippus of Stuttgart picking apples. CU apples being placed in basket. CU Joe Williams the farm foreman. Various shots Ann Bippus (on left) working with Joyce Little of Manchester. LS students breaking for lunch. CU Hainz Kendol of Vienna, pan to Wolfgang Hofstatter of Vienna eating. MS Michael Atkinson of Purley and Wolfgang Klopstock of Berlin eating. CU tractor digging up potatoes, pan up to students collecting. CU Friedrick Soemngen of Berlin picking potatoes. Back view students collecting potatoes. CU Wolfgang Klopstock of Berlin collecting potatoes. LS Mr Green the farmer paying out students one day’s pay 25/-. CU students signing for money. L
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