Verdun Battle Scenes (1916)

French Army in action at Verdun autumn 1916; regain territory lost to Germans in spring and summer. France. Brief shot French troops in narrow shallow trench. MS antiaircraft gunners. Aerial view biplane; apparently has been shot; it falls; goes into slow spin; smoking. French troops marching on road. Troops cross devastated battlefield. A few soldiers make their way through a big mess of wreckage. Soldiers in trench in woods with machine gun mounted on stand. French soldier poses with wreckage of aeroplane. Barrage balloon (the ones with fins) floating. Troops crouched in low trench; climb out; advance to left. Troops run across wide field. Explosion in distance. 2 soldiers sit in foreground of battlefield. Troops running; smoke (& fireball?!) in sky. Communications post (in trench?): officer talking on field telephone; Morse operators; etc. Map. Soldiers sit on side of slope amidst destruction. Shells exploding in distance. Camouflaged gun sticks out from sod covering. Field guns in line of tre
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