Churchill Presents Esher Trophy To 615 Squadron Reel 1 (1954)

Biggin Hill. Documentation contains a brochure for 615 (county of Surrey) Squadron, Royal Auxiliary Air Force. LS. . on parade, pan to cars arrival, Sir Winston Churchill alights and mounts dais. LS parade presenting arms LS. Churchill inspecting airmen. MS. Churchill handing over trophy and addresses the ceremony:- (.) “Officers and airmen of 615 Squadron, ladies and gentlemen, I am proud that 615 Squadron of which I have been honorary Air Commodore for 15 years should have the won the Esher Trophy and that the honour of presenting it should have fallen to me. There are twenty Auxiliary Squadrons formed by the efforts and personal sacrifice of a highly patriotic body of volunteers who are earning their living actively in civil life give up their weekends and holidays to the vital cause of maintaining Britain’s fame and prowess in the air. Marks are allotted to the total hours flown to the quality of performance and the regularity of attendance and marks are deducted for avoidable ac
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