Funeral Of Nicholas I Ex King AKA King Of Montenegro’s Funeral (1921)

King of Montenegro’s funeral. Montenegro (?) Ceremonies. This is labelled as ’Funeral of King of Montenegro’; Montenegro’s first and only king was Nicholas I; he was deposed in 1918 and died in 1921. Opens with CU men’s’ faces — old man with white hair & moustache; wearing suit; in FG; other men stand behind him; they are all looking at something ahead of them; moving around to see better. The funeral procession: guards on horseback approach on tree-lined street; the guard in front draws sword and holds it out to his right as he rides. Next; soldiers on foot; walking in rows; with right hands (in white gloves) held over their chests. Shots of lots of young boys in robes carrying tall poles with crosses on top; and with them walk priests carrying the same long poles; with an extra feature that looks like a narrow lampshade with fringe and decorations below the cross on each pole. CU side shot of horse pulling wagon with coffin on it. Some men walk near coffin: uniformed; also a few men in dark coats; i
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