Astra No. 8 (1951)

Unissued / unused material. Complete issue - Astra Gazette No. 8 (Royal Air Force newsreel series, a compilation of pictorial stories). Various shots novelty acrobatic act in Battersea Park, London - a motorcyclist rides bike in enormous hamster wheel that causes two long poles to rotate, balanced on the end of the poles are two female acrobats. Various shots Harlem Globetrotters basketball team in action - clowning about and playing against the Boston Whirlwinds with great skill. United States of America (USA). Aerial shot of “Queen Mary“ liner at sea. Various shots of exhibits at London Mariners’ Exhibition. Exhibits include models of ships, ships in bottles and wood carvings. Various shots of archery team of RAF men and their wives at unidentified air base in UK. Various shots reproduction of Sherlock Holmes’ study in Baker Street - part of Sir Arthur Conan Doyle exhibition. Various shots Chinese acrobats at Billy Smart circus who hang from their hair. Various shots of class fo
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