Activities At The Depot - Salvage (1914-1918)

Activities at the depot - salvage. Recycling various materials for war use. Opens w/ a few soldiers around area w/ some bins full of what looks like trash. A truck carrying bags drives down road; more bags stacked by side. Soldiers loading the bags. Building made of corrugated metal w/ sign Canadian Salvage Company. Horses pull wagon of bags past building CU soldier shovelling something into bag. A few soldiers looking at metal pieces in a large bin. CU metal scraps; as a few more tin cans are dumped onto the pile. Very dark shot interior - soldier cutting tin can; flattening out metal. Cool shot: bunches of metal flat as tin foil; tied together in piles of squares - shiny. Then CU covering entire screen: stacked up horseshoes; placed sideways. CU soldier w/ mallet smashing metal. Pan left to bundles of cloth w/ sign Rags; then stacks of paper w/ sign Newspapers. 2 soldiers lift a bale of some unknown stuff. CU sign Salvage Dept Seaford; then pan past more bales ... of Meat Wrappers (220 lbs); Rope &
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