Earl Alexander New Constable Of Tower (1960)

Unissued / Unused material. Earl Alexander is installed as Constable of the Tower of London. MS pan with Earl Alexander as accompanied by Brigadier L F Wieler, Major and Resident Governor of the Tower, and Reverend Michael, Chaplain of the Tower, he moves from Queen’s House to face north in the circle of Yeoman Warders. MS Yeoman Warders, pan to Guard of Honour. Various shots as the Lord Chamberlain leaves the Queen’s House bearing the Keys of the Tower, and enters the circle of Yeoman Warders. He is accompanied by Lieutenant General Sir Roger Bower, Lieutenant of the Tower, Brigadier Sir Norman Gwatkin, Comptroller of the Lord Chamberlain’s Office, Lieutenant Colonel E C W M Penn, Assistant Comptroller. LS Lieutenant of the Tower reading the Queen’s letters patent appointing Field Marshal Alexander Constable of the Royal Palace and Fortress of the Tower. MS Guard of Honour. MS Herald trumpeters from Kneller Hall sounding the “Flourish“. LS as Lord Chamberlain delivers the Keys and Custody of Tower
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