Opening Of UN General Assembly (1960)

Unissued / Unused material. Opening of United Nations General Assembly. New York, United States of America (USA). Elevated MS as Assembly stand in silence and then sit again. LS’s as Dag Hammarskjold takes the platform together with his two colleagues, they are welcomed by unknown man who later takes his place in the Assembly amidst applause. MS Hammarskjold and Boland and another sat on platform, Mr Boland formally opens Assembly and begins to read agenda. Elevated MS of Assembly as Boland states what the organisation means and job of work it has undertaken to do. Various shots Nikita Khruschev listening to one of delegates speaking. CU Christian Herter listening. Elevated MS of Assembly as Boland asks the Minister of Protocol to escort the Republic of Cameroon to its seat in Assembly Hall. LS as delegates from Cameroon take their places. MS Cyprus delegation. Various shots of delegates from African States including Nigeria, Madagascar, Togoland, Cameroon etc. FILM ID: A VIDEO FROM BRI
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