Sergeant Brown goes to the Army Leave Centre in Winterberg, Janie stays at a nearby hotel but can enjoy the resources of the Leave Centre. We see them swimming, playing tennis, horse riding, having a picnic etc. They chat to some friends about other Leave Centres. Janie is still a bit cynical about army life but everyone tells her how wonderful things are - how the schools and pay and pensions are better than they used to be.
Footage of the “combined exercise“. Narrator tells us that this is what army life is all about and how this is what makes Pete want to stay in the army.
Inter-unit games. Infantry Regiments play each other at football. Various shots of the game and of soldiers. Party in the Officer’s Mess. Some of the Officers chat about things in the army. The soldier that left to try his luck in civvy street has come back to the army. He loves it! The wives tell Janie how wonderful it is that their husbands love their jobs so much. Looks like Janie is finally giving