Conference In Prague (1956)

Unused / unissued material - dates and locations unclear or unknown. Conference in Prague. Czechoslovakia. LS and GV Two shots of snow covered streets in Prague, showing general activity, including trams. MS. Prague airport. LS Airfield, covered in snow, showing plane coming into land. LS Guard of Honour. LS C-in-C of the United Armed forces Marshal of the Soviet Union Ivan Stephanivic Konev and the General of the Army A.I. Antonov alighting from plane. LS Walking across airfield and greeting them are the Minister of National Defence Cepicka and other members of the Czech government. LS Representatives of the government and members of the Communist party. LS Konev and Antonov inspecting Guard of Honour. LS The observation tower at airport. LS and MS Plane arriving on tarmac. LS Molotov and Zukov being greeted. MS Molotov shaking hands with military types. LS The Cernin Palace. LS Molotov and Zukov entering room with others, and being greeted. LS. The Romanian delegation arriving. LS I. Konev greets
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