Le Mans 1955 - Reel 2 Part 5 (1955)

Reel 2 Continued. Priest says Mass on covered open air stage. A large crowd are gathered in front of the stage. Side angle shot of the religious service. Crowd stand in silence. Many sign themselves with the cross. Shot of the priests, both Protestant and Catholic faiths are represented. Race continues through the early morning. Porsche and Masserati are both seen racing. Rain starts to fall. Crowds are now seen holding umbrellas and wearing rain coats and macs. Man sitting on ground completely covered with a rain cape and wearing a flat cap. Man seated on camp chair under canvas cover. Peop...le covering heads with blanket to keep of the rain. Lots more people looking wet. Cars still race. The Aston Martin goes round a corner. More motor racing scenes. Changes are made to the scoreboard. Man in pit lane holds out board to signal to passing car. The sign reads “Happy Birthday“. Cars have difficulty holding the road in the rain. The Le Mans race continues. Man leans out of pit lane. He is fully kitted out
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