Reconstruction Of France (1947)

Unissued / Unused material. Reconstruction of France after the war. Various shots of the Cathedrals at Amiens. Various shots of rebuilding in progress, houses and flats, and completed ones - good shots. Builder-apprentices take their morning physical training at Basancon. Various shots rebuilding in progress, with apprentices at work with their masters. LS of the village of Dannermaie-les-Glais in valley. Aerial view the town of Nantes (4th Port of France). Various shots as bomb damage is inspected by Rene Coty and group of officials. Various shots building in progress, and completed houses and flats inspected by officials and M. Coty (at St. Nazaire). High angle shot of Dunkirk. CUs M. Paul Ramadier. Various shots state of prefabricated houses. MS as Ramadier descends steps. Various shots of rebuilding and restoration in progress. Various shots of ships in the harbour of Dunkirk. Various shots as cargo is unloaded from ships and carried away by workers. Various shots ruins at Orleans. LS sta
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