Artillery On Horseback (1914-1918)

Artillery on horseback. Location of events unknown / unclear. MS men on horseback riding around a yard; with building in background. Then more men on horseback playing a strange jousting game in which they ride around with hoods over their heads; and fluttery white things like tissue paper attached to something in front of their faces like beaks; they are waving ’swords’ around; knocking this stuff off each other. Long building with arches in background. Short shots of a horse jumping over a hedge; then over a jump with bars. Men paired in blanket elephant costumes being led around a ring by a spooky sinister tall (possibly 2 men) figure in a black robe and top hat; carrying a whip. Big building in background with bars on window and gate; soldiers standing at the back. A quick glimpse of a comic Chaplinesque figure walking in foreground. MS the sinister dark figure acts as ringmaster as the men in elephant costumes balance on a board like a seesaw. Short shot of trick riding: men in white ride
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