Royal Review Reel 2 (1953)

The Derby continues, Horses galloping round the track. Looking down the track as the horses cross the finishing line. Bookies and their signs. Sir Gordon Richard’s riding his winning horse into the royal enclosure. Edinburgh main street with flags and trams next to the park. Horse Guards escort the Queen and Philip in their coach to the Castle. The Royal party enter. Ext. Hollyrood House. A pipe band of the 1st. Battalion of the Argyle and Sutherland Highlanders march playing into a park. The Queen hands over the new Regimental Colours. The band plays it’s way across the park as a large audience looks on. London, and Queen and Philip travel in an open carriage to the Guild Hall. Crowds line the route. Great shot of flags and bunting with St. Paul’s in the background. Boatmen in red traditional costumes and holding their oars wait at Tower Pier. The Royal party arrives and the Queen inspects the Watermen. Crowds wave and cheer. The Royal launch travels down the Thames to the Pier and comes alongside. As th
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