Macarthur Home (1950)

Tokyo, Japan. 1951? GV. American Embassy in Tokyo - three scenes. CU. American soldiers. SV. General Douglas MacArthur, former Allied Supreme Commander in the Pacific, headlines on newspapers - two shots. SV. Japanese people reading papers. GV. Supreme Allied Headquarters Building Tokyo - two shots. Crowd outside headquarters - various shots. SV. Several shots of General MacArthur arriving to his office. GV. Plane arriving at Tokyo airport - two shots. SV. Various shots of Army Secretary Pace and Major General Ridgway alighting from plane and being greeted, he takes over from General MacArthur who leaves for America. LV. Plane touching down at Tokyo airport. SV. Several shots of General Van Fleet arriving. GV. Lights burning in Supreme Headquarters. SV. Several shots of General MacArthur’s belongings being packed. SV. Mrs MacArthur and Colonel Sidney Hop exchanging currency in Tokyo Bank. SV. General MacArthur in Hawaii. Mrs MacArthur arriving. SV. Several shots of the crowd. SV. Welcoming band - two
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