Europes ILLEGAL Arms Sales & How It’s Leading To EU Militarization

Europe’s arms sales to Saudi Arabia and other nations are increasing even as the Yemen war rages on. France is ramping up the EU weapons exports while the EU Parliament condemns the same exports. France’s arms exports to Saudi Arabia has increased during the Yemen war - while most other countries have decreased the weapons exports. These European weapons exports are considered illegal but are also another step in the direction of the EU becoming militarized. Politicians within the EU are looking to create the first official EU army. The EU arms exports are carried out by private military companies in Europe, but now the EU seeks to become militarized to profit off of the same arms sales that they have passed multiple arms embargoes against. An EU army seems inevitable with the new European Peace Facility allowing military research projects within the EU - breaking with the founding principle of the EU to NOT allow funding for military projects. Europe’s Saudi relations are interest
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