K-Cycles - 25% Sale - New Ultra Denoiser GPU - Huge Speed Up Update

In this video will cover the major GPU update for Ultra Denoiser with huge speed up for the new GPU denoising for multi-pass, individual light passes and all lightgroups. GPU processing done internally before the compositor with no extra GPU memory is used currently only in K-Cycles. Multi-Pass offers the highest possible quality denoising specially at low render samples. Last will show the ambient occlusion pass denoising an a new Render Cameras command line and background rendering feature. K-Cycles: Blender Market: Gumroad: Timeline: 00:00 - Intro 00:39 - Performance Chart Ultra Denoiser GPU 01:12 - Ultra Denoiser GPU Features 02:24 - Ultra Denoiser GPU Performance and Quality comparison for a 2K Interior Chocofur Scene 04:35 - Ultra Denoiser GPU Performance and Quality comparison for a 4K Interior Chocofur Scene 06:32 - Ultra Denoiser Ambient Occlusion Denoising 06:56 - Lightgroups GPU Denoising 07:18 - Lightgroups GPU Viewport Performance 08:24 - Lightgroups Performance comparison for a 2K Perfume Product Scene 09:09 - Lightgroups Performance comparison for a 4K Perfume Product Scene 09:42 - Lightgroups and Multi-Pass Denoising Limitation 10:18 - Render Cameras Background Rendering 11:32 - Render Cameras Command Line and batch file Rendering 12:12 - Summary
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