Lying in a puddle, with no feeling or reaction, she painfully waited for the ’end’

Lying in a puddle of water after a torrential downpour, with no feeling or reaction, she waited in pain for ’the end’. That’s how I found Elsa baby. At that time, she was completely exhausted, her body was wet. She didn’t cry, her eyes showed excruciating pain and my heart beat with fear. Elsa was really pure and innocent in this world full of injustice. For her then every second and every minute was really precious, and I would try to seize the opportunity to hold on to a glimmer of hope. Carrying Elsa in the car to the vet, she became small and light in my hand. She had been examined, was lying in the emergency room with special injuries. Elsa was severely dehydrated, malnourished and has a high fever Under the hair covered with parasites, Elsa’s skin was covered with scratches. The doctor was waiting for her to stabilize then did new investigations (eventually an X-ray) Elsa was still in the process of active treatment, she was transferred 24/24h and
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