Jeff Mills, Jean-Phi Dary, and Prabhu Edouard - No White Snake (2023, Axis Records)

This is the final track in the new album by Tomorrow Comes the Harvest - Jeff Mills (TR 909 drum machine, synths), Jean-Phi Dary (synths, piano), and Prabhu Edouard (tabla, vocals). I find this track remarkable and captivating. It is fully improvised, for all I know, and you can hear how they trio are looking for ways to make the music go forward after a few minutes where not much is happening, beside the cool beat and initial hook. The real twist comes at around 07:35, when the keys part changes and they’re able to maintain it and adapt the rhythm. Then, the real kicker is then the vocals - Indian raga style - beginning at 09:18 and quickly becoming very tense. The buildup just keeps on going for two whole minutes with all three players in a flow state, which is super powerful in the last minutes of the track. One has to admire Jeff Mills for continually reinventing himself musically. He’s not shy about trying new things and connecting with rather unknown players. A real musical hero! Support the artists - it’s a great album throughout:
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