President von der Leyen welcomes Global Leaders Summit on the ‘Earth Day’

Today, on the ‘Earth Day’ a new report on ‘Mapping and assessment of primary and old-growth forests in Europe’, published by the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre shows that about 4.9 million hectares of the EU’s forests are ‘primary’ or ‘old-growth’. These are forests that follow natural dynamics, exist in their original condition and are largely untouched by human interference. These forest types are the natural heritage of Europe, but account for only 3% of the EU’s total forested area and 1.2 % of the EU’s landmass. Protecting them is vital for preserving biodiversity and mitigating climate change. #eudebates #eudebate #USA #Biden #EUUS #USA Earth Day 2021 live: World leaders outdo each other with climate boasts at Joe Biden summit after Greta Thunberg warning of ’bull****’ Joe Biden marks Earth Day by hosting two-day virtual climate summit to announce new carbon emission targets; Greta Thunberg sends leaders warning about “bull****&
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