Ghalia Benali , Zefiro Torna, Berlin Vocalconsort : Mein Freund Ist Mein/Laqad Kountou Qabla Al Yaw

A stunning live recording from the Tunisian roots eclectic ( and fascinating) artist Ghalia Benali ,Zefiro Torna and the Berlin Vocalconsort. A “ double” Cantata, first inspirited by “ Mein Freund Ist Mein “ ( Aria from J.S. Bach Cantata “ Wachet auf, ruft uns die Stimme”, BMV 140 -6 ). The second inspiration is from a Mahieddine Ibn Arabi poetry “ Laqad Kountou qabla al Yamw ounkirou sahibi” which literally means : Before today, I was ignoring my owner. Ibn Arabi cannot be understood in literal transla
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