Are You Here to Play Executioner? Horseman War Meets Demon Samael (Darksiders 1)

Meeting with demon Samael. After the Apocalypse was over, Samael opposed the rule of the Destroyer. For his rebellion, he was imprisoned in the Scalding Gallow and stripped of much of his power. When the Horseman came to see him, Vulgrim told War to find Samael in order to find out how to get to the Destroyer’s Tower. When War entered the center of the Scalding Gallow, he defeated the prison’s guards and freed Samael who struck a deal with him: In exchange for the hearts of the Chosen, War would be given a path to the Black Throne. Darksiders game (PC). #CJakeDarksiders #Darksiders1 #DemonSamael #HorsemenofApocalypse #HorsemanWar #Darksiders #Samael. ►Watch more Darksiders videos:
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