Amid Russian Victories, Ukraine Hit By Huge Disaster; ’Soldiers Salaries Sent To West For...’

Ukraine’s military may not fully pay frontline troops this month due to a budget shortfall. Lawmaker Roksolana Pidlasa warned that without budget amendments, troops will receive significantly smaller paychecks. Delays in U.S. aid caused the gap, linked to congressional gridlock. Ukrainian authorities are using military salary funds for weapons, exacerbating the issue. Ukraine may need to boost domestic debt by an additional $5 billion to address the crisis. #ukrainecrisis #militarypay #usaid #budgetshortfall #congressionalgridlock #defensefunding #roksolanapidlasa Times Of India Videos Bring You Global News, Views And Sharp Analysis. We Track India’s Global Rise, Her Increasing Engagement With The World, The Changing Geopolitical Landscape Amid Conflicts And Wars And The Emerging World Order. Subscribe to our YouTube channel and never miss an update. For daily news & updates and exclusive stories, follow the Times of India Facebook:
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