Light Elixirs By Almine at Spiritual

Facebook Winner of Light Elixir by Almine January 2011 What Almine says about the Light Elixirs: the light elixirs are flow, fluid in form, yet you can still see what the original form is. ... Light elixirs have 3 categories: 1) Completely amorphous - meant for frequency-less frequency. Stops linear time in the body; stops resistance in the body and it dissolves old issues around linear time that create stress in the body. 2) Solid shapes starting to turn into patterns of fluidity flowing one into the other - Mineral kingdom and floral images. 3) Focal point that is fluid - Radiating out, dissolving of the reference point, dissolves ego identification. Spaceless space. It dissolves the reference point of the moment. Works with shape and sound and dissolving, because the moment is the focal point of time - little bits stacked vertically & this (light elixir) dissolves that. “The Infinite has many times done things to eliminate linear time and space and they re-form. The re
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