Half-Life 2:Project Resistance-Part 6

20 048 просмотров 25 окт. 2008 г. 👍116 👎11 на момент перезалива ...as you make your way outside of the garage, you can hear distant gunfire from the battling rebels and combines in the streets. A rebel friend tells you to drive safely, as it will not be safe if you go on foot. She opens the gate for you as you speed down the roads, turning this way and that through the battles that rage in the streets. But as you made a turn and you sped down one road with combine forces at the end. But they set a trap for you as you accidentally fall for it as you run into a few gas tanks that send you flying through the air, away from the explosion. You hit your head on the ground and you are knocked out cold... You wake up on a spaceship that’s at the edge of the galaxy. You are sitting in what seems to be a meeting room, with soldiers inside the room watching your every move. The mysterious man seems to be working with the combine, as he told you what you’ve done in a small time span, and as he finishes, your heart almost stops dead as you see walk into the room! It appears that you killing Breen was all part of a paranormal vision! You never even killed him in the first place! He tells you about what you’ve done and that you destroyed many things along your path to returning the Resistance Tape to the Resistance outside City 17. As he ends his speech and walks out of the room, the mysterious man approaches you and says you have to choose your path as you suddenly black out from unknown awake in a small cell as you get up and take a look around. There’s a force field that acted like a gate that nothing can get past. You peek through the shield, seeing an elite soldier typing on a computer. You then see a vase above him that’s ready to fall. So you sit down on a couch so that you can trick him thinking you’re watching television, as you look at the paint can next to you. You try and see if you can throw the can into the vase, thus the vase would fall onto the soldier’s head and knock him out cold. But when you throw it, it bounces off the force field, since you only thought living things could pass through. The soldier peeks above his monitor as you quickly get back to your bed and sit down in defeat. You look around for a way out, but none is to be found. Suddenly, the soldier presses a button and a gun turret appears, supposedly if you do anything more stupid. So you climb back into bed, as sleep is the only thing that can pass the awake once more, but it appears the whole ship has a black out. You get up, seeing the force field is down as a light fell and knocked over the turret. You walk out of the cell and you approach a door ahead of you. You go through the two doors and inside is a table with a TMP and a Desert Eagle and some Flashbang Grenades. You take the two guns as you exit the room, and make a left down the hallway. This is your chance to escape... Part 7 is nearly tuned for more!
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