The Sonny Liston Knockout Reel 1958-1968 (16mm Transfer)

The Sonny Liston Knockout Reel 1958-1968 Sonny Liston -vs- Wayne Bethea, David Bailey, Amos Johnson, Billy Joiner, Scrapiron Johnson, Elmer Rush, Gerhard Zech, Albert Westphal 16mm Sound, 17 Minutes I wish Sonny Liston had lived long enough to have, or at least attempt an post-career resurrection. And even a chance to tell his story. Few boxers have risen so high and fallen so low. There was a strangeness about Liston’s fights that’s hard to describe. They resembled less that of boxing matches than they did gladiator executions. The films bear this out to some extent. Among a collection I recently acquired is the 16mm reel simply titled Liston KOs. It is a compilation of Liston knockouts, mostly during his post-championship years. More from The Fight Film Collector at:
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