Ensemble: Gérard Zuchetto, Troubadours Art Ensemble
Album: Trob’Art - Concept I, Art des Troubadours
Between the XII and XIII centuries Occitania was an independent land and included Southern Spain, France and Northern Italy.
It was a place where culture flourished and countless poets, poetesses and musicians animated the streets and courts. There are several manuscript sources that have come down to us from that period which ended with the crusade against the Albigensians wanted by the lords of Northern France. The oppression was not only economic and religious, even freedom of thought was affected and many musicians and poets abandoned this country to its fate, moving more and more towards Spain and Italy. We are now at the dawn of 1300, these migrations brought an artistic ferment that will then lead to the so-called “Renaissance“ and later on the Spanish “Siglo de Oro“.
Gérard Zuchetto, maestro and musician work
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