10 English Idioms with Food

Полный каталог видеоуроков Все самое полезное для изучения английского смотрите в сообществе (Визуальный английский) Although idioms are not everyone’s cup of tea, they give English a certain spice. In this lesson, we look at idioms from the world of food. We will go over idioms such as bread and butter, butter someone up, the big cheese, spill the beans, the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree, and others. I will explain what they mean and how to use them in context. You might have heard or seen some of these before in books, movies, and shows. Everyone loves food, so you are bound to love these food idioms. And if you don’t understand right away, don’t cry over spilled milk, because you’ll get a chance to practice by doing the quiz after watching. Talk about having your cake and eating it, too!
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