How to paint Plaguebearers Daemons of Nurgle pt.1

In this video I show you how I painted a Plaguebearer Daemon of Nurgle for Warhammer 40k or Warhammer Fantasy miniatures. The tutorial is made with games-workshop new citadel color Range and Vallejo. Colors used: Abbadon Black, Administratum Grey, Codex Grey (Dawnstone), Deathworld Forest, Nurglin Green, Screaming Skull, Mephiston Red, Ungor Flesh, Dark Reaper, Russ grey, Teclis Blue, White Scar, Rakarth Flesh, Ushabti Bone, Gloss varnish, Nuln oil, Biel-tan green (Thrakka green), Baal Red (Carrob
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