Understanding Fallen Angels (1995) | To Be A Lost Soul

Wong Kar Wai’s fourth feature film Fallen Angels can only be described as the naughty younger brother to Chungking Express and describes what it feels like to be a lost soul. A surprising sequel that I didn’t see coming. It was originally supposed to be part of Chungking Express but was carved out and expanded on to form its own movie. And what it does is something interesting and unexpected which was to tell a more negative view on love and heartbreak. This is a movie that takes the whimsical nature of Chungking Express and adds a realism that a lot of people don’t know how to handle such... emotions. Because it’s about how not to move on. The characters in this film obsess over people that they love but those people don’t love them back. And instead of a happy ending, there is only sadness and realisation that people who want that movie ending, where they get that fairy tale story, often don’t. And because of that they don’t know how to deal with such emotion
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