How to paint crab in watercolour - Easy & fun 10 min watercolour exercise for beginners

How to paint crab in watercolour - Easy 10 min watercolour exercise for beginners 👇 To Subscribe!! Easy watercolour exercise for every day. It’s fun and super easy for absolute beginners. Painting crab is super easy. Today we paint a whole crab family because it’s so much fun. I use pink, orange and yellow colours but you can use any colours you like... even purple or blue. It’s a fantasy painting. We don’t want to overthink it too much. It’s about relaxing and enjoying ourselves. So, let’s get started. What you need: Watercolour palette (I use Winsor & Newton) Two jars with water to clean the brush Watercolour paper 140LBS would be ideal Brush big for big crab and small for small crab. A tape or some clips to fix the paper if you prefer. ✬✬✬ WATCH MY OTHER VIDEOS ✬✬✬ 💠 💠htt
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