Lumix GH5 + Sigma 18-35 + Viltrox EF-M2II Test Footage | Tiffen Black Pro Mist 1/4 + K&F Variable ND

Test footage of the Lumix GH5 paired with the Sigma 18-35 f1.8. With the Viltrox EF-M2II speed booster this footage was shot at f1.2. The shutter is set to 180d using the angle setting in the menu of the GH5 and ISO at 200. Exposing slightly higher than usual to test the Tiffen Black Pro Mist 1/4 and how the halation and roll off of the highlights looks. K&F Variable ND used to keep the 180 shutter rule. Using a custom setting of the Cinelike D picture profile and colour grading in Final Cut Pro X with a aim to keep an earthy ’cinematic’ look.
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